Short notes for ALT Linux's build of OpenTTD -------------------------------------------- General ======= ALT Linux build of OpenTTD features ongoing work of Russian localization of the OpenTTD. This work includes creation of several components: - Russian translation - Russian fonts - Russian town names This localization work has yet to be submitted to the OpenTTD development team. While being work in progress it is stable enough to play with. Russian translation is being worked on by volunteers from resource. If you'd like to help filling in untranslated parts please contact us at forum. *BEWARE* At the forum, you have to be registered in order to see attachments. Russian translation is made available through several layers: - Russian translation: provided by lang/russian.lng file - Russian fonts: provided through NEWGRF in data/russian.grf. Therefore, you have to add russian.grf into your [newgrf] section in openttd.cfg: [newgrf] russian.grf - Russian town names: we decided to use Russian Post's town dictionary instead of generating 'weird' names. So far, this list includes more than 21,000 town names all across Russian Federation. This should be enough even for big OpenTTD maps. Due to internal OpenTTD architecture, town names are hardcoded in OpenTTD executable. Also, you might look at xUSSR set which features vehicles from USSR times: Make sure that grf-file names are lowcase when placed in ~/.openttd/data/ Additional patches ================== ALTLinux's build includes some additional nice features developed to OpenTTD by participants of forum. List of currently included features: - Diagonal land clearing This feature allows you to clear land not only in rectangular way but also to select any diagonal-based block and clear it. - Height Map Height Map allows you to load 8-bit height map from PNG file named 'map.png' from current directory in Map Editor. This greatly simplifies creation of custom geographically-realistic scenarios. The map file has to have the same resolution as the map itself. - Freight Trains Allows to specify multiplication freight factor for long and big trains so that acceleration looks much more realistic. - Signal Autocompletion This is a port of similar feature from TTDPatch - Smooth industry This patch enables smoother economy for industries. When enabled, it allows industries to respond to load (or insufficiency of it) adequatly: - production grows when transfer is steady and high - production decreases when there is lack of transfer - industry can close when there is no transfer of resources for certain amount of months - Subsidiaries This patch allows creation and handling of subsidiaries. Not only you can start a daughter company in other region and share funds and roads but you also can switch and play as any of subsidiaries you're owning. Any 100% bought company first converted to subsidiary and later could be merged with its mother company. Money transfers between subsidiaries are taxed with 2% for bank transfers. - TTDPatch-like signs This is port of similar feature from TTDPatch Technical details ================= Russian translation is done in CP1251 encoding. This selection is deliberate: OpenTTD can handle only 8-bit encodings and by selecting CP1251 we are compatible with Windows builds provided by We suggest you to use simple shell wrapper to run OpenTTD under locales different from ones with CP1251 charset: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= #!/bin/sh export LANG=ru_RU.CP1251 /usr/games/openttd $* -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Save game files and scenario names will be in CP1251 encoding. This is an interim solution until OpenTTD 0.6.0 comes which has UTF-8 feature in its roadmap. Additional NEWGRF files can be placed in ~/.openttd/data. They have to be in lowcase in order to be recognizable by OpenTTD.